What if your kura better equipped ākonga to thrive in a dynamic world?

The best resources and books from around the web collected and curated for one your reading. Word here. Word here. Three lines. Word here.

Support your kaiako to strengthen:

What if we empower ākonga with agency?
Establish a student centred community culture
Create positive relationships for learning
Develop a ‘way of being’ that empowers ākonga
Actively involve ākonga in meaningful voice and choice
Manage a personalised approach to student agency
What if we improve teaching and learning in literacy?
Understand evidence based components of meaningful literacy programmes
Incorporate NZ literacy curriculum expectations into planning, teaching and assessment
Design and plan programmes that are connected and enhance learning
Involve ākonga in the design of the literacy programme
Manage a diverse range of literacy capabilities, gifts and talents
What if et temporibus inventore alias assumenda. Repellat sit accusamus sed est animi vel?
Build professional knowledge around best practice in literacy
Explicitly teach literacy learning goals in reading, writing and oral language
Use questioning to enhance students’ thinking and learning in literacy
Involve ākonga in decisions for their learning in reading and writing
Use assessment for learning strategies, techniques and tools in literacy
What if we engage ākonga in powerful thINkQUIRY?
Cultivate curious, inquiring mindsets
Deepen students’ thinking
Build questioning power
Make thINkQUIRY meaningful
Manage and personalise student-led thINkQUIRY
What if we have a cohesive local curriculum design?
Design rich,integrated learning experiences that are ‘full of’ literacy
Deliberately make connections within and across learning areas
Seize opportunities for literacy and maths throughout the day
Create and manage connected, flexible programmes
Use consistent language of learning schoolwide

Let Bek Galloway lead change at your kura

Bek Galloway

Founder & Director of What If Education

Bek Galloway is a Ministry Approved PLD Provider, offering tailor-made Professional Learning & Development (PLD) for teachers and schools across New Zealand.

Teacher Only Days

Lesson Modelling


1:1 In-class Coaching

Staff & Team Meetings

Video Conferences


Parent Meetings

Teacher Only Days

Lesson Modelling


1:1 In-class Coaching

Staff & Team Meetings


Video Conferences

Parent Meetings

Bek Galloway

Founder & Director of What If Education

Haben’s Prize for Excellence in Education

University of Canterbury

Presenter at two International Conferences on Thinking

Kuala Lumpur & Belfast

Certified Coach & Accredited Teacher of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

University of Canterbury

Regional Excellence in Teaching Award (One in four recipients)

NEITA Foundation

Cluster Facilitator for 4 years with 10 schools focused on thinking & inquiry

University of Canterbury

I.B. Primary Years Programme

Nexus International School - Singapore